A bloody good podcast about the dark side of life, served up with a side of sweet treats!

We’re on the hunt for all things Spooky!

Keep it Spooky

  • Ghosts.

    What exactly is it that goes bump in the night? Is that orb in your photo proof of an afterlife? Or is it just the lint on top of your fan you’ve been meaning to clean off? We’re open to every possibility.

  • Aliens.

    The truth is out there. And we’re determined to find it. From aerial abductions to gutted farm animals, there’s more than enough evidence that we’re not alone. Call us UFOlogists, because we’re on the case.

  • History.

    Sometimes history is the scariest thing of all. From the origins of Halloween to family tragedies, we’re diving in to spooky happenings of today and way back when.

Make it Sweet!



We’re brewing up something fresh each episode in our very own Easy Bake Oven!



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