Ep. 34 : Beyond Bigfoot - A Hairy History
Cryptozoology Halee Dams Cryptozoology Halee Dams

Ep. 34 : Beyond Bigfoot - A Hairy History

He's everyone's favorite big guy, even with only four toes and a stinky disposition. You love to question him, really want to believe in him, and can't quite disprove him. It's a bear! It's a costumed man! It's Bigfoot! Whether you call him Sasquatch, Bigfoot or maybe even Yeti, everyone has some version of this bi-pedal beast who lives in the woods. This week, Halee navigates our favorite cryptid's origin story, some questionable proof of his existence and the film that made him famous. As always, Joe Nickell tries to crash the party, but we just won't let him. Happy Haunting!

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Ep. 33 : Helen Duncan - The Last Witch of Scotland
Haunted History, Witches Halee Dams Haunted History, Witches Halee Dams

Ep. 33 : Helen Duncan - The Last Witch of Scotland

The most infamous witch trials are synonymous with Salem, but the most recent happened in the UK less than 80 years ago. This week, we'll dive in to the 1944 witch trial of Helen Duncan and the leaked war time secrets that inevitably found her in court. We'll unveil her haunted past and explore the rise of Spiritualism in a country ravaged by war. Was Helen Duncan truly blessed with otherworldly powers? Or was she a clever girl who knew how to work the system? We'll explore all that and more, closing with a delicious Pavlova lovingly made by Halee. Happy Haunting!

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