Elise & Halee

On a dark Halloween night, after one too many glasses of Kim Crawford wine, Elise and Halee decided they should make a podcast. After talking indecisively about it over more glasses of wine, they decided to make it happen. Easy Bake Coven was born. One part spooky and two parts funny, EBC is a place to talk about all things scary, weird and deliciously unexplainable. Each episode we bake up a sweet treat in our very own Easy Bake Oven (Yes! We actually have a legit Easy Bake!) We highlight missing women, news of the week and of course, spooky happenings of all kinds.

Halee is a social worker and has worked most of her career in hospice and inpatient palliative medicine. She’s mom to a two-year-old little dude (“But this podcast is not going to be one that’s all about the kids.”) Halee has been fascinated by all things supernatural since she was a young kid, especially spooky ghost stories. Yes, she also has a flying saucer tattoo. ⠀

She went to grad school in New York and it quickly became her favorite place on earth. Her dream is to move back to the east coast, and grow flowers somewhere outside the city. Right now, she has a small flower farm on Vashon Island. She’s originally from Canada, so if you hear a funny accent, that’s why!

In the interest of normalizing conversations about mental health, she has lived with generalized anxiety disorder since she was a kid. She loves the x-files, 30 rock, and listens to every episode of last podcast on the left.

“There's a little witch in all of us.”

Elise is a commercial photographer and videographer. She grew up in Florida but moved to Alaska to run a small town newspaper. After enjoying the Last Frontier for four years, she set her sights on Washington to pursue her photography career and move into marketing. Today she works for herself and loves it.

When she’s not taking photos, Elise loves making sun catchers and other stained glass pieces. She’s always finding a new hobby to take part in, but it looks like this one just may stick.

She and her husband live in a little beach cottage with their puppy Mulder and black cat Suki. They dream of moving back to Alaska some day, and who knows, they just may!