Ep. 44 : The Unsolved Mystery of DB Cooper
Haunted History Halee Dams Haunted History Halee Dams

Ep. 44 : The Unsolved Mystery of DB Cooper

On November 24, 1971, a man wearing a trench coat and sunglasses walked into Portland International Airport carrying a black attache case, walked up to the Northwest Orient Airlines counter and slapped down cash. He gave his name as Dan Cooper and purchased a flight to Seattle, leaving that afternoon. That day would go down in infamy, as the day "DB Cooper" hijacked a flight, demanded cash and a parachute, and bailed into the middle of nowhere, never to be seen again. On this week's episode we take a deep dive into the mystery of DB Cooper and evaluate what we do know about this fascinating and confusing case. Halee gets maybe a little too into it, and considers a life in the forest looking for evidence of DB's daring jump. Elise brings her back to reality with a delicious and dangerously easy to make sweet treat! Join us on this adventure, and let us know who you think the real Dan Cooper was! Happy Haunting!

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Ep 25. Spooky Hour - Unsolved Mysteries
Halee Dams Halee Dams

Ep 25. Spooky Hour - Unsolved Mysteries

Who doesn't love a good unsolved mystery? While we couldn't get Robert Stack on the show (RIP) we tried to channel his inner spookiness as we dove deep into some of the world's greatest unsolved mysteries. We'll chat about the Lady of the Dunes and her claim to fame in one of America's favorite films, mysterious lights that appeared over Montreal and the devil's visit to Dover. There's too many unsolved mysteries for our liking, but we're more than happy to share how spooky the world is with all of you. We'll be taking a one week hiatus as Elise hits the road and Halee hugs a life-size Mickey Mouse, but we'll be back spookier than ever on 4/29. Happy Haunting!

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