Ep. 114: A Tale of Two Cryptids- The Flatwoods Monster & The Dover Demon
The days are getting longer, the weather is getting nicer, and the summer season is fast approaching. But as you prepare to travel and spend time adventuring in your local forests- heed these cautionary tales of the creatures that lurk in the dark. This week, we're covering not one, but TWO classic American cryptids. First, we'll learn about the Flatwoods Monster, spotted in West Virginia in 1950. When a mom and a group of teens followed a bright light streaking across the sky, they could not have anticipated what they would find. Next, we'll travel up to Dover, Massachusetts where a creepy creature was spotted repeatedly in 1977. Of course Joe Nickell has simple explanations, but we don't buy them for a second. Tune in to this week's episode and decide for yourself!