Ep. 39 : The Strange Disappearance of Marcia Moore

We consider ourselves pretty spooky bitches, but sometimes there’s things that make us go “hmm…” Such is the case with the strange disappearance of Marcia Moore. A student of New Age philosophy, Marcia practiced yoga, believed in reincarnation and heavily studied the effects of psychedelic drugs on human spirituality. Four husbands, seven books and many doses of ketamine later, and Marcia Moore found herself closer than ever to the divine until she disappeared one wintry night. Was it murder? Suicide? Kidnapping? Or had Marcia simply dematerialized back into the universe? Join us as we travel through all 12 dimensions, investigating a second strange disappearance and enjoying home made ice cream, straight from Halee’s kitchen. Happy Haunting!

Happy Haunting!


Ep. 40 : Crazy in Love - Jodi Arias & Travis Alexander


Ep. 38 :Where Nightmares Come True - A Listener Story