Ep. 43 : Katherine Knight - The Hanna Lecter of Australia

If you plan to make stew for dinner, maybe rethink your menu. Things get pretty heavy as we embark on our first cannibalism story : the absolute horror show of Australia's Katherine Knight, also known as Hanna Lecter. A product of sexual abuse and household horrors, Katherine was almost doomed from the start. As an adult, she'd consistently abuse her partners and go so far as to threaten murder. Her prized possession was a set of butcher knives from her time as a slaughter-house employee. We'll dig in to the many failed relationships of Katherine Knight and mourn the loss of John "Pricey" Price, the one who couldn't get away. This week is frighteningly dark, but it's a true crime story you don't want to miss. Halee sweetens things up with delicious oatmeal cookies. Happy Haunting!

Katherine Knight

Katherine Knight’s first husband, David Kellett.

Katherine Knight was born and raised in Aberdeen, Australia. She eventually met John Price here.

David Kellett

John “Pricey” Price

The Murder

The “Nanna”

Happy Haunting!


Ep. 44 : The Unsolved Mystery of DB Cooper


Ep. 42 : Elisa Lam & the Infamous Cecil Hotel