Ep 27. Terror in Tampa Bay - The Oba Chandler Story

In June 1989, Tampa Bay was terrorized when three female bodies floated to the surface, shocking unsuspecting boaters. The women would later be identified as Joan, Michelle and Christe Rogers, tourists visiting from Ohio. With limited clues guiding investigators, it would take three years for the case to be pinned on Oba Chandler. Elise guides us through his murky past and explores how this shocking case affected the entire state. We'll also delight in some tasty treats made by Halee, and will discover some shocking truths about our favorite vintner. Kim may not be who we think she is. Happy Haunting!

Get your recipe for the best tiny chocolate chip cookies here.

Ashley Loring Heavyrunner disappeared from the Blackfeet Indian Reservation in June 2017. Read her story here.

Happy Haunting!


Episode 28 : The Alien Abduction of Betty & Barney Hill


Ep. 26 The Westfield Watcher