Ep. 49 : Midnight Massacre - The Villisca Axe Murders
Haunted History, True Crime Halee Dams Haunted History, True Crime Halee Dams

Ep. 49 : Midnight Massacre - The Villisca Axe Murders

On June 9, 1912, a midnight massacre would change the town of Villisca, Iowa, forever, creating harsh divides between classes, races, families and churches. After attending Sunday service, the Moore family returned home with guests Ina and Lena Stillinger, where they shared a plate of milk and cookies before retiring for the evening. An unknown assailant waited in the wings and gruesomely butchered all six of the Moores and the two Stillinger children. The killer's identity remains a mystery, but he left behind tell-tale signs of someone who'd done this before, making the string of axe murders plaguing the Midwest one of America's first serial killings. We'll look at three possible suspects and analyze the implications their guilt had on Villisca. This is not a story with a happy ending, but we'll try to bring some levity with Halee's incredible Dead Velvet Cake. Happy Haunting!

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Ep. 43 : Katherine Knight - The Hanna Lecter of Australia
True Crime Halee Dams True Crime Halee Dams

Ep. 43 : Katherine Knight - The Hanna Lecter of Australia

If you plan to make stew for dinner, maybe rethink your menu. Things get pretty heavy as we embark on our first cannibalism story : the absolute horror show of Australia's Katherine Knight, also known as Hanna Lecter. A product of sexual abuse and household horrors, Katherine was almost doomed from the start. As an adult, she'd consistently abuse her partners and go so far as to threaten murder. Her prized possession was a set of butcher knives from her time as a slaughter-house employee. We'll dig in to the many failed relationships of Katherine Knight and mourn the loss of John "Pricey" Price, the one who couldn't get away. This week is frighteningly dark, but it's a true crime story you don't want to miss. Halee sweetens things up with delicious oatmeal cookies. Happy Haunting!

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Ep. 42 : Elisa Lam & the Infamous Cecil Hotel
Haunted History, True Crime Halee Dams Haunted History, True Crime Halee Dams

Ep. 42 : Elisa Lam & the Infamous Cecil Hotel

When the bizarrely haunting video of Elisa Lam in the elevator of the Cecil Hotel was released in 2013, folks across the country were intrigued. But the strange and tragic history of the Cecil goes back far beyond 2013, nearly 100 years to its opening in 1924. This week Halee takes us through the storied hotel's very troubling past. From unsolved murders, to serial killer tenants, to douchey ghost hunters... this hotel has seen it all. The hotel's tragic past culminated in the seemingly mysterious disappearance of Elisa Lam in 2013, which we'll try our best to get to the bottom of. Before things get too dark, Elise delights us with a delicious treat- from scratch! Happy Haunting!

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Ep. 40 : Crazy in Love - Jodi Arias & Travis Alexander
True Crime Halee Dams True Crime Halee Dams

Ep. 40 : Crazy in Love - Jodi Arias & Travis Alexander

It's September 2006, outside the Rainforest Cafe on the strip in Vegas- can you imagine a more romantic setting for love at first sight? Travis Alexander- the young, naive, Mormon- spots Jodi Arias- the alleged 'sex kitten'- for the first time. What followed was a year and half long affair, which can only be described as absolutely bat shit insane. This week we learn a cautionary tale of what happens when you ignore red flags, blindly follow purity culture, and get involved in pyramid schemes. The long and short of it is that it ends badly for everyone! Tune in for the heartbreaking and infuriating story of Jodi Arias and Travis Alexander. At the end of the episode, we're joined by a special guest to celebrate an important milestone with a little something sweet.

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Ep. 39 : The Strange Disappearance of Marcia Moore
True Crime Halee Dams True Crime Halee Dams

Ep. 39 : The Strange Disappearance of Marcia Moore

We consider ourselves pretty spooky bitches, but sometimes there’s things that make us go “hmm…” Such is the case with the strange disappearance of Marcia Moore. A student of New Age philosophy, Marcia practiced yoga, believed in reincarnation and heavily studied the effects of psychedelic drugs on human spirituality. Four husbands, seven books and many doses of ketamine later, and Marcia Moore found herself closer than ever to the divine until she disappeared one wintry night. Was it murder? Suicide? Kidnapping? Or had Marcia simply dematerialized back into the universe? Join us as we travel through all 12 dimensions, investigating a second strange disappearance and enjoying home made ice cream, straight from Halee’s kitchen. Happy Haunting!

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Ep. 32 : The Real Amityville Horror
True Crime Halee Dams True Crime Halee Dams

Ep. 32 : The Real Amityville Horror

On November 13, 1974, the small Long Island hamlet of Amityville was rocked by a gruesome crime. At 112 Ocean Avenue, 6 members of the same family were murdered in bed as they slept. Before the books, movies, and tales of demonic possession, there was the DeFeo family. Join us this week as we explore the real horror of what happened in Amityville, and unravel the myths of America’s “most haunted” house. Things only get spookier as Halee and Joe Nickell agree for the first time ever- what’s scarier than that?! For our little something sweet, Elise lives up to her newfound homesteader status and crafts a delicious pie with freshly harvested rhubarb! Make sure you have your candles lit for this one, and be sure to let us know what you think about this infamous haunting.

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Ep 27. Terror in Tampa Bay - The Oba Chandler Story
True Crime Halee Dams True Crime Halee Dams

Ep 27. Terror in Tampa Bay - The Oba Chandler Story

In June 1989, Tampa Bay was terrorized when three female bodies floated to the surface, shocking unsuspecting boaters. The women would later be identified as Joan, Michelle and Christe Rogers, tourists visiting from Ohio. With limited clues guiding investigators, it would take three years for the case to be pinned on Oba Chandler. Elise guides us through his murky past and explores how this shocking case affected the entire state. We'll also delight in some tasty treats made by Halee, and will discover some shocking truths about our favorite vintner. Kim may not be who we think she is. Happy Haunting!

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Ep. 24 : Charles Lindbergh’s Crime of the Century
Haunted History, True Crime Halee Dams Haunted History, True Crime Halee Dams

Ep. 24 : Charles Lindbergh’s Crime of the Century

It's always disappointing to learn that our childhood heroes aren't always who they seem. Never was there a truer example than the famous aviator Charles Lindbergh. With more than one skeleton in his closet, Lindbergh was famous for more than just flying non-stop across the Atlantic Ocean. In 1932, tragedy gripped the nation when his 20-month-old son Charles Jr. was taken through a nursery window. Thirteen ransom notes and monetary demands take us all over New York and New Jersey as we try to uncover the true kidnapper and investigate why they'd take sweet Charles. We'll unpack Lindbergh's lesser known history and reveal truths about America's "Lone Eagle" that he'd rather have left in the dark. At the close, Halee delights us with delicious Lucky Charms rice crispy treats. Happy Haunting!

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Ep. 19 : Rod Ferrell’s Vampire Masquerade
True Crime Halee Dams True Crime Halee Dams

Ep. 19 : Rod Ferrell’s Vampire Masquerade

We fully endorse sucking on lollipops, popsicles, and sometimes even thumbs. What did you think we were going to say? We're married women! But we just can't get behind sucking on blood. Rod Ferrell didn't get the memo. In 1996, he and his fellow nerds formed vampire clans in Murray, KY and embraced the "vampiric lifestyle." Whatever that means. Unfortunately, Rod was unable to separate fact from fiction and his otherworldly fantasies bled into real life, taking the lives of two innocents. This story takes us from Kentucky to Florida, all the way to Baton Rouge, Louisiana. We'll get into what it's like to be a vampire in a world full of lowly humans and ask the hard questions, like was Rod really a blood sucking demon? Spoiler alert : no. At the close, Halee treats us with some delicious peanut butter cookies. Happy Haunting!

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Ep. 17 : Escaping a Serial Killer: The Kara Robinson Story
True Crime Halee Dams True Crime Halee Dams

Ep. 17 : Escaping a Serial Killer: The Kara Robinson Story

This week gets very intense as we attempt to do justice to the incredible survival story of Kara Robinson Chamberlain. Kara was just 15 years old when she was taken from the front yard of her best friend's house in June of 2002. Without giving away too many spoilers- you really have to hear this remarkable story- Kara showed incredible mental strength and courage, and came up with a plan to escape. In doing so, she not only escaped a serial killer, but brought justice to his past victims, and saved countless young women from the same future fate. Kara is a remarkable woman, sharing the lessons she learned as an empowering public speaker and advocate for mental health. Join us as we learn her story, whilst sipping on Kimmy (duh). As we close out the episode, Elise shares a big life update, and we enjoy some tasty treats! You really don’t want to miss this one. ⁣

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Ep. 16 : Revenge of the Greenbrier Ghost
Ghosts, True Crime Halee Dams Ghosts, True Crime Halee Dams

Ep. 16 : Revenge of the Greenbrier Ghost

Didn't think a murder victim could return from the grave demanding justice? Think again! In this episode, we're heading back to West Virginia to the murder trial of Zona Heaster Shue, more commonly known as the Greenbrier Ghost. Strange occurrences surrounded the death of Zona, like the high-necked collar her husband dressed her in immediately after her death, but none so strange as the ghostly encounter her mother Mary witnessed four separate times. If you're still not convinced ghosts are among us, tune in to Episode 16 for all the compelling details. You'll also be treated with sure-fire proof of aliens, ooky spooky dream stories, and Halee's delicious cream cheese brownies. Happy Haunting!

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Ep. 11: The Murder of Kim Wall
True Crime Halee Dams True Crime Halee Dams

Ep. 11: The Murder of Kim Wall

Things get pretty dark in our latest episode, so make sure you have your wine handy. Elise takes us to Denmark to learn about the devastating murder of journalist Kim Wall, who went missing after boarding Peter Madsen's homemade submarine. It's as crazy as it sounds and a tragedy for all. Wall was a remarkable storyteller with a passion for travel, while Madsen was an egocentric inventor who said he one day "hoped to have a criminal career." He achieved his goal when Wall went missing on August 10, 2017. We'll discuss the details of the case, the lengths Denmark's homicide team went to for justice and the legacy Kim leaves behind. At the close, Halee treats us to delicious blueberry muffins. Happy Haunting!

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Ep. 9: Who Killed Jonbenet Ramsey?
True Crime Halee Dams True Crime Halee Dams

Ep. 9: Who Killed Jonbenet Ramsey?

This week we'll cover one of the most infamous unsolved murders in modern American history. The murder of Jonbenet Ramsey, a beautiful and vivacious 6 year old from Boulder, CO, shocked the nation and has continued to intrigue true crime afficionados and the general public alike. Immediately, suspicion was cast on her family, but is there more to this strange and heartbreaking story? From the world's most bizarre ransom note, to a creepy Santa, we'll cover all the twists and turns of this tragic case. This week marks 25 years since Jonbenet was killed, isn't it time for some answers? Tune in, and let us know what you think happened! Happy Haunting!

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Ep. 7: Lizzie Borden Took an Axe- or Did She?
True Crime Halee Dams True Crime Halee Dams

Ep. 7: Lizzie Borden Took an Axe- or Did She?

Lizzie Borden took an axe.... you know how the old nursery rhyme goes! This week we delve into the true crime genre and explore the story of Lizzie Borden and the Borden family murders. It was a sweltering hot August in Massachusetts, and tensions were high. This culminated in the brutal killings of Andrew and Abby Borden in 1892. Both were struck repeatedly in the head with an axe, a rage-filled crime which remains unsolved to this day. We take a look at the list of suspects and ask the tough questions, like how on earth did people live without indoor plumbing? Tune in to hear what we think happened all those years ago, and who we think was responsible for the murders. As always, we'll cover spooky and unusual current events including birds falling from the sky and a woman getting weird with a hairless cat on an airplane. Fresh from the Easy Bake Oven, we'll enjoy adorable peanut butter cookie cauldrons with chocolate buttercream frosting. Bake along with us and join us on our hunt for the truth about the Borden family murders! Happy haunting!

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