Ep. 101: Don't Be A Tosser (Of Trees)

Happy March, Coven! With a new month comes plenty of new strangeness. In Europe, we have a submerged  stone wall that's at least 10,000 years old, and a tree-tossing mom risking it all for glory. In the northeast, we have halee's dream scenario- bigfoot prints in the Hudson Valley! And some excitement as our favorite hairy cryptid is coming to the big screen soon. We'll talk about haunted homes, a pregnant stingray (thanks immaculate conception?) and the scariest thing of all- mommy bloggers. All that and more when you tune in for this week's weirdness! 
Happy Haunting! 


Ep. 102: Near Death Experiences


Ep. 100: Episode 100: Without a Trace- The Disappearance of Samantha Sayers