Ep. 102: Near Death Experiences
“Do you guys ever think about dying?” Why, yes, just all day every day. Turns out, only 11 percent of the population is as obsessed with mortality as we are, but we know you’re on the same page, Coven. No one can truly say what happens after you die, but a select few have an idea.
Near Death Experiences have captivated the minds of supernatural and scientific alike for years. Some say it’s the brain’s way of coping before its demise, others think it’s a look into the afterlife. (We’re obviously here for the magic.)
This week, we’re going to hear from six different people who came close to death and lived to tell the tale. We’ll talk to an EMT who gets a gut feeling when someone isn’t going to make it. We’ll hear from a young woman who was nearly paralyzed in a rodeo accident. And we’ll talk to our dear friend Katie who nearly died in a head-on collision, but someone in the car told her to turn the wheel. Was it an angel? Spirit guide? Intuition? Who can really say? Tune in to decide for yourself. Happy Haunting!