Ep. 91: On the Record, Go F*** Yourself
Happy Friday, Coven! It was a strange week in the world and a strange week for news. From a vanishing bride, to a man transcending dimensions, to tornados lifting babies into trees, this episode runs the gamut in weirdness. We have true crime updates, including the abusive mormon mommy blogger entering a plea deal, and criminal charges for the douchey wannabe influencer who allegedly killed his wife and her parents. Some things never change as everyone’s favorite daytime TV host Maury Povich is back to his old antics (but this time in a cute way?) and the government is once again trying to hide the truth about DB Cooper. Amidst all this cosmic weirdness we also found reasons to celebrate- bigfoot has finally been caught on camera, and twilight is getting a reboot! Tune in to hear all of this and more on this week’s episode of all things odd and fascinating in the news!