Akia Shawnta Eggleston

Have you seen this woman?

Akia Shawnta Eggleston was last seen on May 3, 2017, via a surveillance camera at her local Baltimore bank. She was 22 years old and eight months pregnant.

Friends were hosting a baby shower for Eggleston on May 7, and when she didn’t show up, they became concerned.

Eggleston had a two-year-old daughter, and family said she’d never leave her behind. They reported her missing the next day.

Akia’s baby was breech, so she wasn’t walking long distances or moving anything heavy. But when police searched her apartment, they said it looked like she had moved out. Her dresser and clothes had all been removed. None of her friends or roommates claimed to have moved anything, and security cameras at the complex were not currently working.

Akia’s family suspected the father of her unborn child was involved, as he never showed up to the shower, never contacted anyone when she disappeared and never helped in the search efforts. He was never made a person of interest.

Family and friends held a vigil in front of her apartment, and while cleaning up discovered her bank card in a bush. It hadn’t been discovered in previous searches, so it was assumed that the card was placed afterward.

Today, Akia’s family is still looking for answers and wonders why her case never received the same attention as Gabby Petito’s.

If you have any information about the whereabouts of Akia Eggleston, contact the FBI’s Baltimore Field Office at 410-265-8080 or the Baltimore City Police Department at 410-396-2499.


Wanda Faye Walker


Harmony Montgomery