Tatyanna Harrison
Tatyanna Harrison last had contact with her family toward the end of March. Her last known whereabouts are believed to have been in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside.

Ashley Loring Heavyrunner
Ashley Loring Heavyrunner was last seen the week of June 13, 2017, in Browning MT on the Blackfeet Indian Reservation. Ashley attended a party on June 5, 2017, and appeared in videos from the party on the reservation. At first, when her family didn’t hear from her for a few days after, they figured she was with friends or that she had lost her phone. When her dad ended up in the hospital and she didn’t come to visit, they knew something was wrong.

Mary Anne Alexie
Mary Anne Alexie was last seen in the Spenard area of Anchorage, AK on Oct. 9, 2012. She was 32 years old.

Ruthie Fawn Kindness
Ruthie Fawn Kindness was last seen in Parkland, Washington on February 7, 2011. Earlier that day she had been released from police custody in Federal Way, Washington after her arrest on an outstanding warrant. She called her mother from a pay phone at the Paradise Bowling Alley on Pacific Avenue. She has never been heard from again and is considered to be endangered.